Returns InformationReturns Information

Returns Information

In order to guarantee your satisfaction with our products and service, you may return any unsuitable items for exchange or refund within 90 days of purchase. Returned items must be unworn and in a resalable condition, with all labels attached and appropriate packaging included.

For all UK orders we offer FREE RETURNS using Royal Mail. In order to benefit from this facility, an online returns process must be completed, which includes the need to print the Royal Mail free returns label, or utilise the QR code at the post office, inability to do so will preclude the use of the free returns service. Free Returns are not available to non UK customers. 

If you are returning an item for an exchange we also return the item to you free of charge. 

Making A Return

To make a Free Return, please do the following:

Click here to download and print a copy of our returns form. It is important that this is filled out and put inside the returned parcel.

Create a free postage label for your parcel using this link:

Print the postage label and attach it to the parcel, remembering to include the returns form inside. Drop off the parcel at your local post office.

Please Note

It can take a few days for your parcel to arrive back with us. Refunds will be processed within two working days, but will take an additional number of working days to show in your account due to normal banking procedures. Exchanges will be posted back to your original shipping address, unless specified on the returns form. In certain cases stock limitations may mean we are unable to fulfil an exchange as required, in which case we will offer a refund.

When making an exchange if you need an item urgently we recommend placing a new order and sending the original back for a refund. 

Olive Jack Murphy Emmet Waterproof Long Coat on wall background #colour_olive
Olive Jack Murphy Emmet Waterproof Long Coat on wall background #colour_olive
Olive Navy Camel
Jack Murphy Emmet Waterproof Long Coat
Navy coloured Jack Murphy Lambourne Mens Long Bush Coat on wall background #colour_navy
Navy coloured Jack Murphy Lambourne Mens Long Bush Coat on wall background #colour_navy
Black Olive Navy
Jack Murphy Lambourne Men's Long Bush Coat
Green Khaki Coloured Baleno Helsinki Long Raincoat on white background #colour_green-khaki
Green Khaki Coloured Baleno Helsinki Long Raincoat on nature background #colour_green-khaki
Green Khaki
Baleno Helsinki Long Raincoat
Waterproof Means Waterproof

When we say waterproof, we mean waterproof, not showerproof, or weatherproof, or something else. Waterproof means waterproof, which means you can go out in the rain and not get wet.

Windproof - protects against wind penetration

When we say windproof, we mean.... Okay, I think you get the idea. But, seriously wind chill is not funny, stopping wind penetration will mean you stay a lot warmer than you would in a shorter coat.

Breathable fabric allow water vapour and perspiration to leave your garment

Waterproof fabrics are great, but breathable ones are better. Breathable fabrics allow sweat in the form of water vapour to escape from the inside of the fabric to the outside, which is great if you plan to spend a long time in your coat or like to walk fast.