Julie Holland's Long waterproof coat storyJulie Hollands long waterproof raincoats story.

A Ladies Long Coat Tale

Hi Julie Holland here,

(And no, it's not me in the picture, that's a model, I'm a real person, and a shy one at that.) 

As part of the Holland's team, albeit a supposedly retired one, I have volunteered surprisingly enthusiastically, to tell you a little about long waterproof coats. 

I live in Anglesey you see, and you could say it rains quite a bit here. You could say it gets quite windy too. You could say there are days when you would have to be crazy to take a springer spaniel a walk along the coastal path. Well, I'm not crazy, but Teddy, for that is his name, is, and he will not be denied his walk whatever the weather.

So, do I dress up like a life boat man in rubber trousers and a sou'wester? Well, no, although you would be surprised by how many people still do, waddling along, encased in misery. The truth is, more than thirty years ago Hollands started stocking some of the first long waterproof coats that were not specifically aimed at horse riders. And I tried one out, for dog walking, and I have never been without one since.

With the right long rain coat you don't have to get wet whatever the weather, you can stay dry from head to toe. And you definitely don't have to lumber around in waterproof over-trousers and face the titanic, life endangering struggles of taking them on and off, hopping on one leg down the hallway whilst the dog runs up the stairs to roll on the bed.

Long ago when I got my first long waterproof, as I may have mentioned, they were pretty much designed to be worn by equestrian folk, these days I go shopping at Tesco's in mine and nobody bats an eyelid.

And the good thing is that these days there's plenty of choice, there's a style and colour for everyone and a price point to suit every pocket. 

I have my favourites, but I am not going to make any recommendations, they all have their fans. Like most people I started with an inexpensive one, which did the job, and after a year or so moved onto a more expensive one, which also did the job, but with a bit more style.

So take a look around the website, we have lots of stock, and I'm sure something will catch your eye. If you are tired of getting wet legs, I guarantee you won't regret it. 

All the best,

Julie Holland

Know Your Coat

Waterproof Means Waterproof

When we say waterproof, we mean waterproof, not showerproof, or weatherproof, or something else. Waterproof means waterproof, which means you can go out in the rain and not get wet.

Windproof - protects against wind penetration

When we say windproof, we mean.... Okay, I think you get the idea. But, seriously wind chill is not funny, stopping wind penetration will mean you stay a lot warmer than you would in a shorter coat.

Breathable fabric allow water vapour and perspiration to leave your garment

Waterproof fabrics are great, but breathable ones are better. Breathable fabrics allow sweat in the form of water vapour to escape from the inside of the fabric to the outside, which is great if you plan to spend a long time in your coat or like to walk fast.

Black Berry coloured Jack Murphy Malvern Ladies Waterproof Bush Coat on white background #colour_black-berry
Deep Claret coloured Jack Murphy Malvern Ladies Waterproof Bush Coat on wall background #colour_deep-claret
Smokey Blue Deep Claret Chinchilla Black +3
Jack Murphy Malvern Ladies Waterproof Bush Coat
Olive coloured Jack Murphy Cotswold Ladies Waterproof 3/4 Coat on wall background #colour_olive
Olive coloured Jack Murphy Cotswold Ladies Waterproof 3/4 Coat on wall background #colour_olive
Olive Heritage Navy Smoke Blue Deep Claret +3
Jack Murphy Cotswold Ladies Waterproof 3/4 Coat
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Heritage Navy coloured Jack Murphy Erin Long Waterproof Coat on sea background #colour_heritage-navy
Heritage Navy coloured Jack Murphy Erin Long Waterproof Coat on wall background #colour_heritage-navy
Camel Olive Heritage Navy
Jack Murphy Erin Long Waterproof Coat
Olive Jack Murphy Emmet Waterproof Long Coat on wall background #colour_olive
Olive Jack Murphy Emmet Waterproof Long Coat on wall background #colour_olive
Olive Navy Camel
Jack Murphy Emmet Waterproof Long Coat
Navy coloured Jack Murphy Lambourne Mens Long Bush Coat on wall background #colour_navy
Navy coloured Jack Murphy Lambourne Mens Long Bush Coat on wall background #colour_navy
Black Olive Navy
Jack Murphy Lambourne Men's Long Bush Coat
Green Khaki Coloured Baleno Helsinki Long Raincoat on white background #colour_green-khaki
Green Khaki Coloured Baleno Helsinki Long Raincoat on nature background #colour_green-khaki
Green Khaki
Baleno Helsinki Long Raincoat